Staring August 2022, Vilij ABA will be offering Floreo VR in conjunction with ABA sessions to the families we serve. Floreo uses virtual reality to teach social, communication, behavioral, and life skills to individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and related diagnoses. Their immersive VR experiences are based on established, science-backed techniques and designed to be used in therapy, educational, or family settings.
“We are very excited to provide this offering to the families we serve”, shared Clinical Director Sumita Argianas, “At Vilij we know that therapy is not a one-size-fits-all approach and our hearts are excited for the patients who will benefit from this unique and modern approach to therapy”.
Floreo is an immersive VR experience consisting of a headset with striking visuals and a separate control module that operates off a standard iPad. The individual running programs pairs the VR headset to the device through the Floreo app and once the devices are paired, can direct the entire experience of the learner. Experiential learning modules include:
Floreo allows learners to be placed in scenarios that they may not otherwise be comfortable in or would provide limited functional use in a live setting. With gradual settings learning can be tailored with patients as they make growth.
“Vilij set out to offer ABA Therapy that is different from the norm and that includes modern and unique offerings that may not be offered by other ABA providers” shared Sumita, “It’s important that we remain accountable to the patients we serve. If there is a new therapy that can help our patients make growth, we are going to research it and implement it where appropriate; it’s our duty as an advocate to our patients.”
Does Floreo sound like a therapy your child may benefit from? We’d welcome the opportunity to talk to you via phone 630-777-2800 or email
Accountability | Integrity | Empathy | Collaboration